Illumination of the mind & Purification of The Heart
There are “high achievers” with good grades and then “highest achievers". Alhamdulillah we have a dynamic, thought provoking curriculum and teaching methods that cultivate confidence in Islam. There are “high achievers” with good grades and then “higher achievers” who seek success in Akhirah. The myth that a person is not good or smart because they don’t have a degree is being dismantled, now the myth that you can’t be a high achiever without leaving your Deen behind is being dismantled too.
We teach the knowledge that they need.
Time to put the future happiness, piety and ability to face the modern world before merely price and convenience. We get one shot at raising them, there are no second chances. If you want a complete overhaul of the madrasah experience, then reach out to us. We focus on understanding Quran from all angles and not the singular angle of Hifz.
Quranic character is our sole aim.
We teach Arabic Language, Debating skills, Interpersonal Skills, Tajwid, Critical Thinking, Iman Elevation Through Tafsir & Islamic Studies, Financial Literacy, Dawah Training, i.e the essentials for education, happiness and marriage in later life.